Pastor Frank Mukisa |
Bible School uganda
In February 2005 Barratt Ministries Uganda was registered as a non-governmental organisation
to carry out its activities in the field; caring for orphans. Today the building operates
as a Bible School and retreat centre for those in the ministry.
to carry out its activities in the field; caring for orphans. Today the building operates
as a Bible School and retreat centre for those in the ministry.
When Maurice & Joanna first met Pastor Frank Musika he was living in a 2 room house with his new wife who was 6 months pregnant. His wife gave them a meal & then started dishing out food to a number of young children who had filled the house. Joanna thought this rather quaint, imagining the children had crowded the house to look at their white faces, so she asked Frank if they were children from the village.
“Oh no, Mum, these are my children. They are AIDs orphans who live with me.”
Astonished, she asked, “Where do they sleep?”
He smiled back at her, spread his arms wide, & said, “Anywhere!”
Maurice & Joanna came home to England with a burden. They had to do something for this need God had revealed to them, but we were just 2 people with no money who had a heart for God. They decided to build a small orphanage so that Frank could comfortably take care of the children God had sent to him. In the meantime they contacted as many friends as they could and built a half way house with 4 rooms instead of 2 and the 'family' moved in. Sadly, it has been very difficult to fund the building of the orphanage which was started in 2002. The children who were being looked after have all gone to various destinations and only Pastor Frank's biological children remain in the marital home with their mother.
“Oh no, Mum, these are my children. They are AIDs orphans who live with me.”
Astonished, she asked, “Where do they sleep?”
He smiled back at her, spread his arms wide, & said, “Anywhere!”
Maurice & Joanna came home to England with a burden. They had to do something for this need God had revealed to them, but we were just 2 people with no money who had a heart for God. They decided to build a small orphanage so that Frank could comfortably take care of the children God had sent to him. In the meantime they contacted as many friends as they could and built a half way house with 4 rooms instead of 2 and the 'family' moved in. Sadly, it has been very difficult to fund the building of the orphanage which was started in 2002. The children who were being looked after have all gone to various destinations and only Pastor Frank's biological children remain in the marital home with their mother.
For the some years we have been in the process of building a Bible School but even in this unfinished state we have taught Pastors and Church Leaders for periods of 4 days at a time. We have had wonderfully blessed times. 70 Church leaders, including Pastors, and a couple of Bishops (named Bishops because they are over many churches - one of these Bishops has over at least 100 churches), some of whom travelled from other African countries to attend, and others walked over 9 miles just to be there.
We made the Bible School free of charge for them to stay for the duration of the conferences and were able to house and feed around 30 of them in the unfinished rooms. Thank God these precious people didn't mind sharing space as sometimes 10 people shared one room without air-conditioning. We fed all those who attended with a really good meal each day which they ate in the grounds under the shade of the trees which had been planted. Everyone commented on the wonderful atmosphere – the peace of God was tangible. No amount of witchcraft activity, which we know to be going on in the area, can mar what God is doing in this place.
This building started off as an orphanage, but we now believe that God had another plan for it. Because God put his seal of blessing on the Bible School we have come to realise that this should now become a facility for Church Leaders and those in the Ministry, either as a retreat where they can take time out of their pressurised circumstances to be refreshed and seek God, or where they can come together for conferences and teaching which Pastor Frank will be conducting on a more frequent basis than Maurice or Joanna have been able to do. The brethren shared with us that they are very capable of preaching the gospel and getting people saved, but they need our resources to teach them how to make their church members disciples of Jesus Christ.
We feel so sad that the orphanage has failed, but rejoice that God has a more glorious plan. If we can help to teach and train the leaders, then we can reach a far greater number of people through them than we ever could on our own.
Pastor Frank Mukisa, together with his co-workers, has carried on the work and is doing a wonderful service for the Lord running the Bible School and teaching discipleship to those who have come for ministry, besides welcoming those who have come to fast and pray, or just have respite from their labours in the ministry. He pastors his own church and evangelises the area, feeds the poor, and serves the people in his community.
We feel so sad that the orphanage has failed, but rejoice that God has a more glorious plan. If we can help to teach and train the leaders, then we can reach a far greater number of people through them than we ever could on our own.
Pastor Frank Mukisa, together with his co-workers, has carried on the work and is doing a wonderful service for the Lord running the Bible School and teaching discipleship to those who have come for ministry, besides welcoming those who have come to fast and pray, or just have respite from their labours in the ministry. He pastors his own church and evangelises the area, feeds the poor, and serves the people in his community.
We would love to think that you would start, or continue, to support our work in Uganda and this exciting project God has given us to pursue. We want to thank you so much for the way you have encouraged us in the past.